The Day I Decided To Go Into Business For Myself

Yesterday I sat down and had a good talk with myself. 

”It is time to get a job” I said.  ”What are my options?”

I can get back to Germany and get a job in a theater or an agency doing something, or try and break into directing or get into some sort of administrative position.

I can stay in the US and get a ”job” job to make money and pay the bills.

I can open up a voice studio in Nashville and probably make ends meet. 

I can start a brick and mortar business such as a cafe or some sort of book/media meeting place store. 

…and all of these are plausible ideas, but there are problems with them…

  1. The limit on income is established, you can only make so much working for something or someone else.
  2. You are chained to a place and time and are not free to move around as you please.
  3. Being chained to a place and time causes me to miss out on the lives of half of the people in my life all of the time. I have done that for much to long and I don’t want that anymore.

Creating my own brand, my own products is a great idea, only I am unsure about what that would look like and besides, it is limited to just me, and I would need employees soon in order to do this professionally. 

So, what is left is to find a business that has no requirements on place and time and has the ability to earn whatever income I want without having to create the entire business from scratch.  Plus, I want a business where I am not working alone on my success but have the vested interest of others helping me out in my quest as well as being able to help others achieve their goals. 

There is only one business model that fits all of these requirements and that is the Empower Network.  It is an online, internet marketing, relationship based business with products available and the training included to help me get those products sold. Virtual online products have the highest commission rates, are the most easily transfered and the product line grows with the times without having to produce a whole new physical product.  No shipping, no hassles. 

The added bonus is this:  The products I sell to people is something they too can earn income with, so they aren’t simply consuming but can also become producers. 

Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man how to fish and he can eat for a lifetime.  

This principle is why the Empower Network is so compelling, because it teaches people how to fish and builds up the individual to become an independent person, self reliant and a contributor to the world of information and inspiration. 

The ”Why” is all important in any pursuit.  The ”Why” that has the power to move a person to action is People!

I see the faces of the people who have made my life possible, the loved ones of family and friends, colleagues of great talent and genuine artistic ability and the vast number of audience members who have given me ears to sing to and eyes to act for. 

It is the people in my life that I want to be able to give to, my time, my presence, my talents and my money as well.  Why do you want to make money?  To give it away… isn’t that the real reason?  

Yes, being financially prudent to create a secure bed for oneself to sleep in is important, it is the basic responsibility all people have, but during that quest, and especially after it has been accomplished, who cares how much money you have locked up in funds, bonds and stocks.  You can’t wear a dollar bill, you can’t eat a quarter and not one starving child will be fed with money being locked up in a bank somewhere. 

So, it stands to reason for me to dedicate myself to the job of building my business and that business is to spread the good word about the Empower Network products and it’s opportunity. 

In fact, I don’t really have a choice as I see it. Nothing could possibly be more compelling to me than this. 

Does this mean I stop being an artist? No, it means I can continue to be one.