The Problem with Political Parties

The problem with political parties is that you get immediately labeled. 

I am a registered Democrat. Why?

Well, the number one reason is that my parents were. Not unlike religion, we seem to inherit it and adopt it as if it was a given. That isn't a real good reason is it?

Spirituality is divided up into two categories really. The first is Religion and the second is Denomination. For instance, I am Christian and have been baptized. I was raised in the Southern Baptist Church. However, I no longer identify with the Southern Baptist Church for various reasons although the church I grew up in was very supportive in many ways, I have come to realize that I no longer drink the grape juice. I am still very much a Christian.

In politics you also have different categories. The first is the form of government you believe in, Democracy for instance, and secondly the Party you are a member of, Democrat or Republican. There are others in the United States such as Libertarians, Green Party, even a Communist Party. The only difference these parties make is the way it sways the election of Democrats or Republicans. In the history of the United States it could be argued that the 3rd Party Candidate decided several elections, namely Ronald Reagan, due to the watering down of the Democratic vote to Anderson, Bill Clinton, due to the watering down of the Republican vote by Ross Perot, and George W. Bush due to the watering down of the Democratic vote due to the Green Party and Ralph Nader.

When someone calls themselves an Independent it only means that they are a member of no party. There is no such thing as the Independent Party.

People who declare themselves Independents do so until they realize that they can't get anything done unless they have one or the other parties on their side. Bernie Sanders claimed to be an Independent until he decided to run for President, because he recognized he couldn't get anywhere as a poor independent, unlike Ross Perot who could fund himself.

Normally, Independents claim to be such because they want to be able to agree with both Republicans and Democrats on various issues and not have to be coerced into voting along party lines. But, they don't have much clout, because they aren't a part of a caucus.

The problem with the two major political parties in the United States is that... a Democrat you get unfairly labeled as a "unpatriotic, leftist, socialist, communist, amoral, anti-gun, anti-military, fetus killing, disloyal, lazy, and anti-business crazy." Of course this is ridiculous, but it is the way Democrats have been labeled. a Republican you get labeled as a "Nationalist, racist, greedy, big business power abusers, corrupt, gun hoarding, violent, aggressive, pious, moralistic, judgmental, hateful, and bullying."

In essence, political parties are known by the negative narrative created by the opposition. It is how people think of both parties from the opposite parties. This is what I really hate about politics in the United States. It has gotten completely out of hand, and the manipulation of the general population is disgustingly obvious, but people drink the Koolaid on both sides.

But, what is actually the real story behind the parties? What are they really trying to get done? What principles do they believe in? Why? Do they themselves live up to the criticism they place on the other party?

No doubt, some of the negative narrative could be defended, but does anyone really believe that the opposition is really determined to hold up the negative definitions that are assigned to them?

What is politics? Basically it is getting what you want by helping someone else get what they want.

Today, politics has become about getting what you want by making sure the other party doesn't get what they want. It has become about 100% domination. That is the problem. Compromise, negotiation, finding the best way are no longer a part of the narrative. It is "Win it all and make sure the other side gets nothing."

The more important the issue, the more this partisanship pervades. Essentially, we are in a Civil War, fortunately without the use of violence.

What is the solution to this for America? To be honest "I don't know." In fact, it is my prediction that this will continue until the United States fractures in some way where one of the Parties is eliminated and it becomes a totalitarian system, which honestly we are very close to becoming.

There are 3 Branches of Government, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. It isn't difficult to imagine for all three to become dominated if not overtaken by one party. When the President is one party, the Legislative has a majority in one party, and the judicial is placed by that same party, then all three branches are controlled by one party, then the country becomes basically a totalitarian state. Up till now the balance has kept the United States honest.

Due to the massive monetary advantage the Republican Party has over the Democratic Party it is not difficult to imagine the Republicans taking over the government and controlling everything and the tragedy then becomes that in order to make a difference you will have to become a "Party Member" and drink the Koolaid or you will never have a career in Government. Everyone will have to "cooperate", "go along with", and enthusiastically support the Party or be ostracized, disgraced, and ruined for life. This is a very slippery slope for a so called "Democracy."

The thing to embrace in a Democracy is that the opposition is our friend. The opposition is who keeps the parties in check. Without each party keeping watch on the other, challenging ideas, and forcing a complete explanation and description of what is being proposed. The opposition keeps parties honest.

However, as long as winning the battle is more important than winning the war the political status of the United States is doomed to failure. The goal of the United States should be to serve its individual citizens in the best way possible and if it isn't good for the common man, then it isn't good for the country.