The Three Rights Guaranteed By The Constitution

The Three Rights Guaranteed By The Constitution…

are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

What exactly does this mean?  

What were they thinking when they wrote that?

It seems simple at the face of it, but really, it isn’t quite so simple…especially when you consider that they had to get a group of rogue politicians to agree on something. 

Life…what does that mean?  Well, it means that all people have the right to exist as living human beings.  Leaves a lot of room for discussion, but in essence, it is saying that the government may not infringe on this right. 

Liberty…freedom, the battle cry of the United States. It is what was used as the reason for releasing the bonds from England.  But, generally, it was also a general term that every man has the right to be free from oppression. Of course this wasn’t immediately placed into action for various reasons, but it is still the major goal of all Americans. 

The pursuit of happiness…I believe this is the most misunderstood element mentioned. What is the pursuit of happiness?  Well, it is the right to follow your dreams. 

The pursuit of happiness guarantees the right for everyone to be able to freely pursue their dreams without limitation.  

These rights, are not only rights, but they are responsibilities. Dreaming, and working towards the fulfillment of dreams is in the heart of most people, and certainly the way I grew up. 

We have the right to live, to be free to follow our dreams and it is our responsibilitiy to achieve them!