What is the Empower Network? Series: A home

The Empower Network is a Home

When I say the Empower Network is a home, I of course I am not saying that it replaces your “real” home of friends and family. What I am saying is that the Empower Network is a home for you to go to where you feel at home because you are free to be who you are and not to have to live up to the requirements that many companies want to project. 

Let”s get real, just be who you are and all you are and that is just right with the Empower Network, in fact, it encourages individuality and freedom of being. 

It sounds simple to say but really it isn’t so simple. Being a home to the wide variety of people in the Empower Network requires that everyone in it allow a lot of room for others, it is a matter not of mere toleration, but to embrace differences. 

When the world around you bomards you with discouragement and negative messages, the Empower Network is there to tell you that this is not all there is in the world. 

So, when you become a customer or affiliate of the Empower Network, what you are doing is buying into a home atmosphere where you can go and be accepted and encouraged and empowered to live your best life which is based solely on your definition of it. 

I see the Empower Network as an apartment building of sorts, each person pays rent to be able to stay in their apartment, and they want to because it is such a great place to be, it is a home. So, when I am marketing the Empower Network, I don’t only market the Viral Blogging System which is awesome, or the Inner Circle which picks me up every day, or the rest of the products in the back office available to help people succeed in business. 

I market rental in a home, because probably the most valuable aspect of the Empower Network is the community of individuals that reside here. So, when I “rent space” to people for the Empower Network, I am renting them a home. 

I think it is a good analogy. 

I worked for a time as a real estate agent and one of the guys who had a desk near me was always wearing painting clothes and then I asked him what he was doing. He went on to tell me that he had been buying apartments for 30 years now and was renting them out. He said he did the painting himself and that he enjoyed keeping them up. 

Well, he was telling me that he owned about 30 apartments and commercial space, free and clear, and that the average rent for them was $1,000 a month. That meant, he earned $30,000 a month without doing much at all. 

With the Empower Network, the rent is much less, $125 per month, but you only have to own one apartment and get to rent out as many as you want and you make all of the money from it. So, what you are doing is building an apartment complex where people pay you rent and that can become as big as you want it to be. 

Of course the Blogging system is awesome and works great, and the Inner Circle audios are worth a lot, but it is the idea of renting internet “real estate” that helps you get a vision for what kind of “empire” you are building. 

“Online homes for rent, $125 per month.”  Build your building and watch your income grow! 

The Empower Network, your internet home for a lifetime.