"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"

Everything The Mind Conceives And Believes,     It Achieves

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmCtWskzmAQ?rel=0&wmode=transparent&autoplay=0]

This video from Napoleon Hill himself seems ancient among today’s self-help and business coaching gurus.  His voice and appearance don’t exude greatness, but the content of what he says in this long video is probably the most compact and complete set of guidelines about how to give your mind the right attitude for a successful life.

This video is not a reading of the book but a listing of the different areas of concentration which will lead a person to wealth, which is the focus of his book.  His point being that if you live a good life with purpose then there is every reason to expect to have a good life.

The statement,  ”What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” is unavoidably true.  The fact is, that what a person achieves in life is the result of what one conceives and believes, no matter what it is.  The point of ”Think and Grow Rich” is to guide your thoughts, what you conceive and believe, towards a specific goal for strong reasons.  The fact is, if one does not command the mind to think in the way you want it to then you will be the tools of other’s plans them, and as we all know, no one else has a plan for you, so you just get what comes your way.

Look around you and you will see where your thinking has gotten you.  Another point is that thoughts are not the only things that determine the fate of a life.  The single most important element in life is action or as it may be in-action.  For, what you do or not do, determines where life brings you.

So lets assume you have a clear definition of what you want, and you do everything to learn about how to achieve it, what then is the thing that keeps people from acting in a way that will bring them what they want?  It is well known that preparation takes much longer and is much more difficult than the actual of doing of something.

For instance, a surgeon must study for many years and serve in residency before he can do a procedure on a patient.  Sometimes this can take 10-12 years depending on the area. However, when the doctor gets into the operating room, that very procedure will take an hour to perform.  In opera you spend months learning a role and weeks rehearsing an opera that takes 3 hours to perform.

Acting is much easier and much less difficult than preparing.  What then keeps people from acting on things which could bring them the most benefit?

The simple answer is fear.  Fear is the gauntlet that must be overcome.  The ability to overcome fear and act on your impulses is of the utmost importance.  It may even be more important to act even before you think, because the thought to act in itself is enough to get an action done.  Often, too much thought will build fears instead of confidence.

What are we afraid of?  Loss.  People who think too much tend to see the possibility of loss as more compelling as the possibility for gain.  If your thoughts are based on loss, what chance do you have to gain.  In a word, none.  Why?  Because what the mind conceives and believes it achieves.

So, in speaking with others it is important to pay attention to whether yours or their thoughts are based on loss or gain.  If people tell you a list about what can go wrong, then that is a loser mentality and literally poison.  Flee from those people as fast as possible, they will pull you down all the while thinking they are doing you a favor.

In the end, it is all up to you.  Concentrate and focus on what you can gain and you will gain.  Do we see the negative, yes of course, and it is prudent to be aware of it, however, it does no good to undermine your dreams by thinking about what could go wrong, that will get you nowhere.  The only way to achieve victory is to concentrate on it and the actions you can do to get you there.

The Empower Network is a leadership building company with a compensation plan, with a valuable education in internet marketing.  The very idea of empowering people is to rid people of the security blankets which are responsible for enabling fear of taking your own life into your own hands.

In the movie ”The Shawshank Redemption” Red says ”He’s institutionalized.  He has lived in this prison for 50 years and now he is supposed to go out into society and fend for himself?”   The fact is, society has institutionalized most everyone hasn’t it?  Society has taught us to depend on an employer to pay you, to depend on insurance company or the government to bail us out when things go bad and the biggest indicator of institutionalization in people is when you hear them complaining about not making enough money, or having to go to work too much or having to pay too many taxes.  All of this complaining is a testimony of an attitude of dependency.  Let’s face it, it is everywhere and of course I have sinned in this way as well.

Empowerment is the end of all of that and the Empower Network’s greatest contribution to society is to add to the number of people who take responsibility for their own existence and stop depending on some outside element to give you security.  End the excuses, begin to live a life of freedom because when you take that responsibility upon yourself, you free yourself from all of the institutions which would limit your life on it’s terms.