Probably the most direct statement about true freedom ever made. Dr. Phil Nuernberger, Ph.D. ”Strong and Fearless”
Month: September 2014
The Laws of Life #4: Strength – Never Surrender It
The Laws of Life #4: Strength and Never to Surrender It. I write this with full knowledge that I have allowed this to happen to me on many occasions.
The Laws of Life #3: The Law of People – We are all the same and we are all different.
The Laws of Life #3 is The Law of People: Unique and Identical If there is anything in our lives that determines our lives it is the other people in our lives.
Have a good day today, because that is all there is!
Salutatin to the Dawn Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life.
The Laws of Life #2: The Law of Place – Home
Home is where we live: The Laws of Life: #2 The Law of Place
The second Law of Life is the Law of Place. Just as in the Law of Time you can be nowhere else bu
The Laws of Life: #1 – The Law of Time
The Law of Time, according to me, is simply this, there is no time but ‘Now’.
As simple and frustrating as it is, the Now is all of the time that exists. It is
The New Brilliance Blog
There comes a time when you have to start over. This is the new Brilliance Blog Why Brilliance? Well, it is about what we radiate into the world. Becoming co