There has been a lot of talk lately about the minium wage being raised a couple of bucks an hour and I really don’t have an opinion on it one way or the other except that I am all for people making more money who do the actual work.
But what sort of irritates me is the idea that it will make any difference.
People who are working at minimum wage need to find a way to make more money, because if they are dependent on a minimum wage job for their livelyhood, then it is safe to say they are in trouble.
But, no matter what you make at your job, it will always be the minimum possible for your employer to pay you. Employers don’t ever pay the maximum salary or wage. Never. They always pay the minimum because they have to cut expenses as much as possible, and as an employee of a business or any entity, you are just that, an expense, no matter how valuable you may be to the company or boss.
I’m not saying this is wrong or unfair, it is just the way it is.
Also when you look at vitamin supplements, they usually list their vitamins as a percentage of the minimum daily requirements for good health. Why minimum? Why not maximum?
If you are getting 50% of the minimum daily requirement of something, then what is the percentage it has of the maximum? 10%?
But, what is the maximum you can earn? Well, 100% is the maximum. So, if you sell something at 100% commission, you are earning the maximum on that sale, right?
That is what the Empower Network does, it pays you the maximum, plus it gives you leveraged earnings due to the brilliant and lucrative pass up compensation plan.
Nothing in nature survives if it exists on a principle of minimums. Nature and our existence is based on maximums. Everything grows to be as big as it can be, things reproduce as much as they are capable.
Have you ever heard of a tree growing less than 100% capacity to grow?
Have you ever heard of squirrels not gathering the maximum amount of nuts for the winter, or a bear ever eating less than all he can before winter comes?
Of course not. Everything in nature maximizes itself. It wouldn’t occur to nature to do anything else.
Why then are humans concentrating on minimums? Because we have been taught to live a life with a scarcity mentality. That there isn’t enough to go around. Humans have a good memory, and that is a bad thing, plus they can worry about the future, and out of fear bear those ills of a minimal existence in the belief that it will somehow give them a secure future, which of course is everything but true.
So, while I am not suggesting people carelessly quit their jobs at whatever income they are earning, I am suggesting that people begin to think about earning a maximum and it is possible with the products and affiliate program of the Empower Network.
We are unbelievably fortunate today to have the opportunity to make as much money possible as we want in our free enterprise system. Not so long ago, these types of opportunities didn’t exist, people struggled to find a way to make extra money.
We have the internet, we have the systems and products to end poverty forever. Never before has there been such great opportunity for the common person to determine their own destiny.
Why have a minimum mentality when a maximum mentality is available to you?
All it takes is making it possible…and the Empower Network makes it possible.
Earn the maximum, 100%, with the Empower Network now….join here and start selling!