New is usually always a good thing and for ourselves feeling new and fresh is important to being happy in life. Getting clean is an idea on how to use the body’
We must face the facts of the future. The numbers do not work the same way they did in the past.
Economist Harry Dent points out that the best times for entrep
The final two games of the regular season for Auburn ended in a spectacular way and they produced some of the greatest fan video of all time.
Think and Grow Rich Some books in the library never were meant to sit on the shelf.
I have started re-reading Think and Grow Rich and realize that it is a book
Relationship Marketing: Using a vehicle to get where you want to go.
The great thing about relationship marketing is that you build a business with people you
The sailboat I grew up sailing is a lot smaller than it used to be!
Think and Grow Rich is Only Half of the Title Napoleon Hill’s epic book Think and Grow Rich chooses only that title because it is important that you think only
Anne Frank wrote in a diary and today she is a leader in the world even though she died in a Nazi Concentration Camp Anne Frank died at the age of 15 in the Be
How you talk to yourself comes from how you talk to others Blogging is a way of talking to yourself by publishing your ideas for others. While people always sa
You are not broken. The reason to read, listen, watch and practice in the niche of self help and personal development is not to fix what is wrong with you, but