This is one of my favorite songs!
The quality of life isn't based on money or how much you have or afford …
…it is based on what you make out of what you have. The quality of life is all about making the most out of everything you already have, and by bringing thin
Businesses Have Different Advantages
In Network Marketing the choice is vast and every business has a different advantage
Looking for a network marketing business is usually not something that peo
The Wizard of Oz: Heart, Brains and Courage and the value of Home
Heart, Brains, Courage and the Value of Home I attended an orchestral concert the other day which had the orchestra playing the sound score to the epic histori
Marketing Is About Opening Doors
Marketing Is About Opening Doors and Making Things Possible The inside and the outside are reached through a door, a door that makes it possible for one world
Perspective: How do you see your place in the world?
Keeping perspective on the way things are is key to living a good life.
One reason the 98% is the 98% is because they see life from the level of everyday exist
Get A Business Not A Job
network marketing business embraces every entrepreneurial principle in the book, along with the free enterprising ideals that the United States was founded upon
How To End Stress In Your Home Business: Rule #1 Stop Prospecting Family and Friends
Stop prospecting family and friends……is the first step in ending stress in your home business. This goes against everything 99% of the companies suggest