Getting out of bed early in the morning and starting a productive day is one of the most difficult habits to establish. But, let’s look at reasons why establishing this habit is such a great way to start the day. First off, getting things done after 6:00 p.m. is not…
Category: Uncategorized
Seduced By A Soft Society and the Way to Remedy It
The majority of people have been seduced by our soft society. They are led to believe that life is supposed to be comfortable, easy and that they should go unchallenged. I write this not only as a teacher but also as a student. I write this because I have been…
The Danger of Being an Ologist.
An Ologist is a word that isn’t actually a word. It is part of a word. An Ologist is someone who studies things. You know, you have a Bio-logist, a Music-ologist, or a Anthrop-ologist. They are legion. So many people are studying the things that fascinate them. Of course it…
Sunday morning blogging: A time for reflection.
There are two things about having websites/blogs that come into play once you get started doing it. 1st is that you really only want to write about what you want to write about when you want to write about it. When you do this it is a quite enjoyable pastime….
Blogging to Pick Up Your Mood
I’m a terrible blogger. I don’t really get leads from my blog. I don’t sell anything on my blog. I don’t really care if anyone reads it. Why? Because mostly, my blog is there as an open diary for myself. I started a blog in the first place simply as…
A perfect day: What things can I do to have one?
I am writing this spontaneously so nothing written here is actually researched. The perfect day is spent by doing several things well. Here is my spontaneous list. Get a good night’s rest. No day is good if you are tired all day. Eating right. You reinforce good eating habits by…
Albums the Influenced my Life #3: Point of Know Return – Kansas
The Point of Know Return – Kansas The impact Kansas had on my musical tastes and skills probably can’t be overstated. I am not certain when I started listening to which album, but at some point I had acquired and listened to all of the albums they had produced through…
Albums That Influenced My Life #2: Kansas – Leftoverture
I’ve told this story probably before, but I will tell it here again, about possibly the single most important event in my musical life, which one could then say would be my entire life, since music is such a major part of it. It may seem like a bit of…
Albums that Influenced My Life in Estimated Chronological Order: #1 Barry Manilow Live
The first album that I can remember changing my life was the “Barry Manilow Live” album. The first musical artist that impressed me was Ken Medema. For those of you who don’t know who that is, you need to click on this link and find out! I heard Ken Medema…
The Foods that America Has No Clue About Not Including the Foods I Don’t Know About Either
A friend of mine just visited Paris. What is the first thing I thought of? Napoleon. No, not the famous self-crowned Emperor of France, but the pastry. That got me thinking about all of the foods I have gotten to know over my lifetime through all of my travels…