What is Freedom, Democracy, and Capitalism? Of course this article is going to be my take on these and related topics. I am writing this because I feel that today these concepts are largely misunderstood. Freedom: There are many definitions of “Freedom”. But the “Freedom” I am talking about here…
Category: Uncategorized
The Social Media Posting Jungle
“The current percentage of people using social media is 56.8% of the world’s total population. However, when we look into platform penetration rates from people in eligible audiences, 93.33% of 4.8 billion global internet users and 85% of 5.27 billion mobile phone users are on social media.” https://backlinko.com/social-media-users The…
Focus on Yourself and Mind your Business
The importance of self focus and minding your business. I am finding that it is difficult for me to just focus on myself and what I am doing. I find myself drifting away from this possibly all of my life and it is just now becoming apparent. Growing up there…
Fantasy Screens and Role Models
All the world is a screen, and we are just mere animated figures. Television, Film, and the Internet have created a situation in our minds that makes it difficult to discern reality from fiction. We speak of characters that we have seen on screen as if they are real people….
The Clean Cockpit
What does “being a professional” mean when speaking of the time you spend doing your job? I went to a “Civil Air Patrol” meeting a couple of years ago because of my interest in helping serve the community in some way. I had been in the Civil Air Patrol Youth…
Content: Advice, Stories, Media and what is really wanted?
Even as I sit here writing this I have to ask myself the question…”What am I writing and why?” Is it “Advice?”. Is it a “Story?” Is it a “Media” post? Well, the reason I am writing this post is because I am interested in reflecting on the idea on…
Rumination: Repeated and Shared Thoughts
I was wondering about therapy and if it really helps much. I was wondering about talking to my friends about issues in my life and if it does any good. I was wondering if we can actually solve any problem by thinking about it over and over and over again….
Life is a Passing Fantasy so Live in a State of Wonder
Life is a passing fantasy so it makes sense to live a life spent in a state of wonder. I was listening to the film music for Harry Potter by John Williams and realized that it has been almost 20 years since the movies first came out behind the torrential…
Is it spring yet?
It is the 17th day of February 2022 and it already feels like spring outside. Even the animals are acting like it. But, as we have known in Kentucky from countless years of experience winter can return sometimes and that with a vengeance! I have never been a big fan…
Ms. Elizabeth Volkman
Elizabeth Volkman https://www.wku.edu/music/volkman.php It is difficult for me to talk about Ms. Volkman without talking about opera and the voice. Our relationship was based on music for obvious reasons. It reminds me of one of the most special aspects of studying a musical instrument. You are 1 on 1 in…