It really is important that everyone keep a journal of their lives, not only to chronicle what happened in their lives, but to chronicle what happened in the wo
When All Else Fails: Inspire Yourself
Inspire Yourself With Your Work At some point in life it all comes down to one thing and one thing only……do you love yourself? …are you amazed by you
Opera Singers Wait Tables In New York To Afford Living In New York To Become Opera Singers
Opera Singers Waiting Tables In New York City…is not a rare thing. I did it while I was in grad school at Eastman in Rochester, New York. I actually enjoy
Experience Your Dreams Before They Come To Pass
Dreams, the type that you have while you are asleep, are often so close to reality that you actually feel as if what you dreamed happened. Use that power to for
Create A Vision Instead Of Making Resolutions
New Year”s resolutions are a common thing to do at the New Year, but a resolution doesn’t commonly last very long because they are singular and often against on
Support: The Most Misunderstood Aspect of Singing
Support is something I was never taught in all of my years of voice lessons. It was always talked about as if I was supposed to know what it was.
Look Who Is On The Team!
There is a principle difference between professional sports and college sports and it is the importance of the players versus the coaches, and those invisible g
Killing Sparrows and Confusing Bees
I was at the bookstore today and I was flipping through a book of strange but true stories. This story originated in Mao Zedong’s rule as China’s leader. He in
Write One True Sentence
Find One True Sentence And Put It Down On Paper – or Blog!”All you have to do is write one true sentence.” Earnest Hemingway. I was searching for writing tip
An Evening of Beautiful Christmas Music With the Symphony at WKU
It is such an honor to get to come back to Western Kentudky University and sing with the Symphony at WKU on the stage where my opera career began over 30 years