Anyone who knows me, knows that I can be rather contrary in the way I look at things. I am sure it is some sort of psychological abnormality on my part but none the less I still am one to try and look at things differently from the “party line.”…
Category: Uncategorized
The Mighty Klais Organs of Bonn
The years I spent in Bonn were some of the happiest and most fulfilling of my life in spite of the personal issues that were going on in my life. I miss my friends there so very much. One of the highlights of my time in Bonn was when my…
The Open Book
Having a website and writing regularly on my “personal” website is sort of a therapy for me to be honest. I am not attempting to be right about anything but rather am thinking aloud on paper. People are perfectly free to disagree with me, assuming anyone ever reads what I…
My “opinion” of the present case for impeachment.
The following is my “opinion” about the present case of impeachment. The present case for impeaching the President is a very hot topic of debate, and for me I think people aren’t really aware of why it is very important to impeach and remove this president from office. I have…
My Voice Teachers/Mentors: Enrico di Giuseppe.
I met Enrico di Giuseppe for the first time at Julliard in a lesson that I think Sherri Phelps set up for me back just before I left for Zurich back in the Spring of 1987 sometime. Not living in New York City, or close to it and the not…
A Cabin in the Woods
I’ve always loved the idea of a cabin in the woods. It is actually a winter thing for me. In the summer, I am not such a fan of the woods because being from the southeastern United States, or really anywhere east of the Mississippi River for that matter, the…
A Bad Weekend for Consciousness
It is Monday morning and I am completely exhausted and utterly disgruntled about this past weekend and why? Because I failed to actually enjoy parts of it and the way I reacted to things this weekend is a symptom of a great problem: The inability to control my mind. I…
Downsizing: The one thing to do when you don’t know what else to do.
Sometimes accumulating stuff catches up with you and when it does it is high time to do a “spring cleaning.” This may sound easy, but it isn’t. Because the most important part of spring cleaning is minimizing the things you have to clean in the first place. The fewer “things”…
The importance of fresh income in a musician’s career.
I first got the idea of moving to Europe when I went on a summer program to Bregenz, Austria with a program from my university back in 1982. I had taken a year of German, and was looking forward to seeing what Europe was all about and the prospect of…
The Escape from Reality
I came to the back of the store and before me was a long counter backed with a long rack and as I looked at that I realized that this represented a large part of the retail business of the store I was in and that this store’s name wasn’t…