After having spent the past 5 1/2 years caring for my parents and seeing them through their deaths I realize that passing over the Jordan River carries with it those who were your companions during that time. Many have said that I will be happy with myself having done that…
Category: Uncategorized
Yellow Trees and Mellow Thoughts
Yellow Trees and Mellow Thoughts for this November day. It has already been 3 weeks since Dad passed away and it seems like yesterday. There is one thing that I am dealing with every morning when I wake up. I think about how miserable he was at the end and…
Reflecting on the Prospect of a New Existence
Some of my blog posts are mere thought experiments and so it is with this post. I share it with those who read because it keeps me aware of the practicality of the things I say. Life is made up of what is called in German “Lebensabschnitte” or stages of…
Stop wasting time on things that don’t matter.
I don’t know anything anymore. 5.5 years living in the USA has drained my mind of any sort of sharpness and while some of that has been due to dealing with aging parents who don’t think very well anymore a lot of it has simply been the cultural deterioration of…
The Curse of Emotions
Emotions are an essential part of the human condition. They are the thing that determines the quality of our lives. No matter what happens in life or what conditions we may face, it is our emotions that dictate our experiences. When I look at the balance sheet of my emotions…
Clarity: The Fountain of Youth
Clarity is a word that resonates with me right now. It is something that I haven’t had for many years and I am extremely “desperate” to get it back, if I ever really had it to begin with. I am inspired to write about this upon having watched a video…
Everyone should live in a foreign culture.
Don’t you just love blanket statements? Haha! But, in this case I believe there is a lot of truth in this one. You learn a lot about yourself when you move to a place that speaks a different language, has different ways of doing things, and where the mentality is…
Trust: What is it?
Trust: What is it? defines in part as … noun reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. confident expectation of something; hope. confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust. a person…
Thirst for Positivity
The best way to not get thirsty is to hydrate before you can get thirsty. Positivity is the equivalent for hydration. It seems like the world is caught in a Merry Go Round of negativity…or is it just me? No, I think there is a lot of negativity in the…
The Vatican’s Mistake: The problem isn’t the symptom.
The problem isn’t the symptom. What do I mean by that? The statement by the Pope on the question of blessing same sex marriages has caused an uproar in the world. But, I am not writing this about that topic, but the topic is a good example of the very…